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Frequently asked questions


What is FAQ?

In this section you can solve all your doubts and can find out about all the services we offer and how we work.
If you have not resolved your questions, do not worry, please contact us and we will be happy to assist.
You can call us at tel. +34 617357588 or send an email to
Our hours are: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.30 and 20.30 17.00ha 10.00 to 13:30 p.m. Saturday.

Why do I need to wear glasses to see well?

Because you are in the group of people who have a visual impairment that hinders their view. Refectivos The most common defects are: myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia and visual fatigue sight.
We will explain briefly what each consite.

It is a refractive error by which light rays coming from infinity focus to the eye before the retina when they should converge on the same retina. Myopia causes poor vision in far distances.
Myopia can be hereditary but today affects the massive use of computing devices, tablets and mobile phones.
This defect is corrected with glasses or contact lenses negative.
It is recommended that myopia is detected at an early age, so it is advisable to eye check-ups by a professional vision to children from 5 years if obvious symptoms is seen before that age, which, You will have to go to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

It is a visual defect whereby rays of light coming from infinity to the eye, behind the retina converge when it should focus on. This refractive error causes difficulty in near vision, doing, in terms of diopters hyperopic, impossible to focus on objects at close range and causing eye strain that will cause fatigue, red eyes and ultimately failure or neglect tasks close . In middle and high hyperopia far visual acuity is also reduced.
In children with hyperopia not usually have decreased visual acuity, given that, to have a strong eye muscles are able to accommodate camouflaging such defect not being obvious that the child has a vision problem. It is therefore important to test for possible refractive hyperopia ranging to cause vision problems and consequently, poor school performance. The children hiermetropía corrected early can lessen or disappear with the normal development of age.
Hyperopia is corrected with glasses or contact lenses positive.

It is a visual defect caused by a change in the curvature of the cornea. Its main feature is that it causes blurring both far and near and therefore headaches and eyestrain.
As a general rule astigmatism is congenital, but can be caused by trauma, ocular interventions (cataract ...) and corneal ulcers.
They also say that the astigmatism can be combined with nearsightedness or farsightedness, leading to myopic or hyperopic astigmatism
This refractive error is corrected with cylindrical lenses or toric lenses.

It is a visual defect associated with age. Usually it appears after 40 years, caused by the decrease in accommodative ability of the eye, making it increasingly difficult to focus on close objects.
The effects of presbyopia are more or less noticeable depending on the daily activities of every person, for example, a person who works near vision as a jeweler or computer will accuse more than one person, who by their activity, mainly used for distance vision.
The normal symptoms of presbyopia is that as a result of the loss of accommodation of the eye, you have to zoom out for a better view objects, such as a book or mobile phone.
The presbyopia is compensated with glasses closely, progressive lenses or progressive lenses.

Eye strain:
In early age the eye accommodates far to near without any problems, due to the elasticity of the ciliary muscles of the eye. Upon reaching aged between 30 and 40 years that muscle elasticity decreases causing eyestrain, especially those who use computing devices such as computer screens, tablets, smartphones etc.
Visual fatigue is very easy to edit with occupational lenses.


What products sell in Prodevisión?

In Prodevisión we are professional vision. We have a fitness center we work in contact with patients, therefore, through this page we would like to offer our services and conocimentos to all web users.
We offer all products included in the world of optics, optometry and contact lens including: ophthalmic lenses, eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, contact lens care solutions and other optical accessories themselves.
All our products are 100% original, we do not have white markings or imitations.
In Prodevisión guarantee of authenticity attached to all our sunglasses and graded given by the manufacturer.
Most items have their corresponding photograph or image, so when you choose your prescription glasses, contact lenses or sunglasses have no doubt that it is the item you wish to buy.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address

Product Availability

What if the product I purchased is not available?

In Prodevisión, online optics, we have variety of patterns and colors in stock in our physical store. 
The website shows the complete collections with all existing models and colors and state, thanks to an icon 48 hours we have in store. If the icon does not appear, we have to apply the model to the manufacturer to be subject to the availability of the product in the factory. 
Should we be ordered an item, if you do not have in stock, we will ask the factory. If the product is in production, has been discontinued or will be distributed soon, we will notify the customer by email or phone call and will decide whether we continue with the order or is canceled with the consequent return of the amount paid, all without any financial compensation to the customer.

What is Available Product Coming Soon?

It means that the product is NEW and its exhibition in the online store has the purpose of that our clients know the novelties of the best manufacturers, but their availability has no concrete date. In case we are requested, we will contact the client to inform him of the approximate date of delivery and the latter can decide whether to continue or with the order or cancel it.

Information about graduation

How do you know my graduation for glasses?

Graduation to the spectacle usually comes in a recipe, either the optometrist or ophthalmologist.
You can also get your old glasses, provided that the graduation is recent, ie a year or so old. If you have more than a year we suggest going to the optician or ophthalmologist to check it and update it.
The possibility exists that you send us your latest spectacle, if you have a spare, that we with our devices obtain graduation and you make the new glasses with the same data (in this case of carriage of the glasses to Prodevisión run by the customer).

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address

Prescription lenses

What in Prodevisión sell prescription lenses?

In Prodevisión we work with the best manufacturers of prescription lenses. 
According to our experience in our center, 99% of the glasses are made with organic lenses, since these have several advantages over mineral lenses. 
The organic lenses weigh much less, making the glasses more comfortable to wear. On the other hand, they are more resistant to shocks and drops (they are virtually unbreakable), offering the same quality of vision than mineral lenses.

Basic Monofocal

Monofocal lenses are those carrying a single graduation in the entire surface. They are used to correct visual defects as: 

Myopia (-): patients with myopia has poor vision in distance. 

Hyperopia (+): the patient has difficulty farsighted vision nearby. 

 - Astigmatism patients with astigmatism note blur the images both far and near. 

Presbyopia: age-related defect, which causes the patient to have difficulty and sometimes inability to focus on objects at close distances. 

In our online shop we offer three types of single vision prescription lenses, depending on the quality of the lens (all lenses are not equal). The three types of monofocal lenses are: 

- Basic Monofocal
- Monofocal High-End  
- Monofocal Free Form  

We next explain in detail each of them. 

Basic Monofocal: monofocal lenses with spherical design, optical quality and scratchproof treatment standard. For more performance of these lenses it is convenient with anti-glare treatment, getting harder and transparency.

Monofocal High-End:  monofocal lenses with aspheric design, which means less lateral spherical aberrations that basic lens design. This decrease lateral aberrations that have high-end lenses provide clearer vision, reducing visual stress. 
Monofocal lenses High-end multilayer antireflection including lead, giving maximum performance lens. 
Furthermore, aspheric lenses in patients with hyperopia are flatter, thus finer, leaving the assembly aesthetically better glasses.

Monofocal Free Form: Free Form lenses specially manufactured with special technology, eliminating the limitations of conventional designs, adapting to each user's specific graduation. The point-to-point optimization is applied across the lens resulting in an even more comfortable monofocal design. 
Its manufacturing technology is based on the sizing point about eliminating aberrations and increasing the lateral fields of vision, creating a clearer and sharper vision even in peripheral areas. 
The user will get a high performance vision throughout the day, getting an extra in the sight of the details, no restrictions on the selection of frames.

Progressive lenses 

Are lenses that allow multiple visual fields are incorporated into a single lens with no visible distinction between them (are lenses without cutting).
With vision and progressive lenses get comfort from afar, through intermediate areas to close, smooth and progressive. 
Progressive lenses are indicated for patients with presbyopia.

All our progressive lenses are Free Form. Free Form lenses are manufactured with the latest technology in progressive lenses, eliminating the limitations of conventional designs, adapting to the specific graduation of each eye separately, obtaining better results in the user's binocular vision. The point-to-point optimization is applied across the lens resulting in an even more comfortable progressive design. 
Its manufacturing technology is based on the sizing point about eliminating aberrations and increasing the lateral fields of vision, creating a clearer and sharper vision even in peripheral areas. 
The user will get a high performance vision throughout the day, getting an extra in the sight of the details, no restrictions on the selection of frames.

In Prodevisión offer four ranges depending progressive visual field that have: 

- Standard Progressive
- Advance Progressive
- Progressive High-End

Below we explain each. 

Standard Progressive: Basic progressive lens which meets the daily needs of the user both in distance, near and intermediate. Available with or without anti-glare three reductions to choose according to user graduation, photochromic and color.

Advance Progressive: progressive lens having means visual fields, based on the optimization of graduation. This lens is available with or without anti-glare three reductions as graduation, photochromic and color.

Progressive High-EndProgressive HD production technology, which provides broad visual field, with minimal noticeable distortion level by the user. 
These lenses are manufactured using standard multilayer antireflection (included), three reductions as graduation user, photochromic and color.

Guarantee adaptation progressive lenses. In case of failure to adapt to the progressive, it has two months from receipt to exchange them for a higher range, paying the difference. 

In Prodevisión we work with the best manufacturers of prescription lenses, including the Zeiss house, one of the best industries in the manufacture of ophthalmic lenses globally. 

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

What is a reduced graduated lens?

Reducing a prescription lenses is determined by its refractive index, the higher index lens is thinnest, ie, a lens five manufactured diopters at a rate 1.74 will be 50% thinner and lighter than the same graduation made in index 1.5.
It is important that you consider your graduation choosing your graduate reducing lens.

Prescription lenses are basically classified into four types according to the reduction:

Lens 1.5: is recommended for low rankings to 1.5 dp basic lens.
Lens 1.6: reduced glass, thinner and 20% lighter than the lens 1.5, recommended lower half steps and to 2.75 dp.
1.67 Lens: crystal cut 40% thinner and lighter than the lens 1.5, recommended for medium and high rankings to 5.00 dp.
-1.74 Lens: Crystal maximum reduction to 50% thinner and lighter than a lens 1.5, recommended for high rankings from 5.00 dp.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: 617357588 or email address 

What is a progressive lens?

It is a specially manufactured lens, which allows us to have an optimal view of distant objects near and intermediate distances, all in the same lens.
The manufacturing technology of progressive lenses is based on a succession of graduation from the top of the lens (intended for farsightedness), to the bottom of the lens (intended for near vision) through central (intended for intermediate vision), all smoothly without big jumps.
The difference in quality is given by the progressive field of vision they provide and the technology with which they are manufactured.
The latest fabrication technology called progressive lenses Free Form (PtP carved on both sides of the lens), providing fields of view wider than in conventional lenses.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: + 34 617357588 or email address

How are Prodevisión progressive lenses?

In Prodevisión we work with leading progressive lens market.

Progressive lenses allow multiple visual fields are incorporated into a single lens with no visible distinction between them (they are lenses without cutting). 
With vision and progressive lenses get comfort from afar, through intermediate areas to close, smooth and progressive. 
Progressive lenses are indicated for patients with presbyopia.

Free Form lenses are manufactured with the latest technology in progressive lenses, eliminating the limitations of conventional designs, adapting to the specific graduation of each eye separately, obtaining better results in the user's binocular vision. The point-to-point optimization is applied across the lens resulting in an even more comfortable progressive design. 
Its manufacturing technology is based on the sizing point about eliminating aberrations and increasing the lateral fields of vision, creating a clearer and sharper vision even in peripheral areas. 
The user will get a high performance vision throughout the day, getting an extra in the sight of the details, no restrictions on the selection of frames.

In Prodevisión offer three  ranges depending progressive visual field that have: 

- Standard Progressive 
- Advance Progressive 
- Progressive High-End 

Below we explain each. 

Standard Progressive: Basic progressive lens which meets the daily needs of the user both in distance, near and intermediate. Available with or without anti-glare three reductions to choose according to user graduation, photochromic and color.

Advance Progressive: progressive lens having means visual fields, based on the optimization of graduation. This lens is available with or without anti-glare three reductions as graduation, photochromic and color.

Progressive High-EndProgressive HD production technology, which provides broad visual field, with minimal noticeable distortion level by the user. 
These lenses are manufactured using standard multilayer antireflection (included), three reductions as graduation user, photochromic and color.

Guarantee adaptation progressive lenses. In case of failure to adapt to the progressive, it has two months from receipt to exchange them for a higher range, paying the difference. 

In Prodevisión we work with the best manufacturers of prescription lenses, including the Zeiss house, one of the best industries in the manufacture of ophthalmic lenses globally.

It is noteworthy that all our progressive lenses are manufactured in possible reductions (1.5, 1.6, 1.67 and 1.74).
If you want photochromic lens (which darken the sun), reducing the lens reaches 1.67.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

What is a photochromic lens or transition?

Photochromic lenses, also called smart lenses are those that darken when exposed to sunlight. The obscuring much depends on the intensity of light they receive, if the day is cloudy unless they darken if it is sunny.
The basic principle is that these prescription lenses have a treatment layer comprises organic molecules having an effect of darkening due to a reversible chemical reaction of oxidation / reduction.
Our fotocomáticas lenses have a much smaller than conventional, darkening faster and clearing 20% ​​to 50% faster than the normal reaction time.
The photochromic lenses are made reductions in 1.5, 1.6 and 1.67.
These lenses may darken in two different colors, brown and gray, to choose one to go to the selected glasses (eg if the glasses are better be a gray black) or the one you like.
Also indicate that the photochromic lenses are fully compatible with the antiglare treatment, and taking all factors and shaded comfort, glare-free vision.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

What is a graduated lens sun?

Prescription sunglasses lenses or sun lenses are those that provide a clear vision and relaxed in sunlight, offering full protection against UV rays from a coloration of 30%.
In Prodevisión we have a wide range of colors for solar lenses, all with 100% UVA protection / b.
There are two ways to make a lens sun graded in terms of coloration uniform and degraded.
Uniforms: the entire lens is the same color, the most common colors green, gray and brown.
Gradient: color intensity descends to the bottom of the lens, rinsed down. Esta variedad existe en distintos tonos de color. This variety exists in various shades of color.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

What is a polarized lens sun?

A sun polarized lens is a lens base to which is applied a layer with a polarizing filter, blocking incoming light only in one direction. Typically, with a vertical polarizing filter, blocking the light coming horizontally.
Given that sunlight is diffused in all directions (not polarized), the polarized lenses block not directly, but when the light incident on a horizontal surface (such as road, sea, snow ... ), polarized lenses that eliminate glare, improving contrast and glare protection.

Polarized lenses provide sharper, clear and relaxed vision under sunlight.
This type of lens is manufactured in three colors, green, gray and brown 85%.
Polarized lenses are especially suitable or recommended driving, winter sports and aquatic.
It is noteworthy that are not recommended for the use of digital devices.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: + 34 617357588 or email address 


How to choose your glasses graduate?

In Prodevisión we have a wide variety of prescription glasses of the most prestigious brands.
We have over 10,000 different models of prescription glasses. We are confident that in Prodrevisión find the glasses you are looking for and that fits your needs.
It is important to consider your graduation choosing the frame.
- If your ranking is low-medium (up 2.75 dp) you can choose the frame you like, metal or pasta and the size you like.
- If your ranking is high in both nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism it is advisable to choose a frame of pasta (important to choose the right prescription lenses with reduction according to our recommendations), and medium or small (the smaller, better will be the large size Lens). Eg myopia lenses are thin in the center and as we'll thicken the edges, therefore, the greater will be the thickest glasses crystals.
Another point to consider is that if you have allergies to nickel or metals, it is advisable to choose a rimmed or titanium, since these materials are hypoallergenic and do not usually cause any problems.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Contact lenses

How do you know my graduation for contact lenses?

Ordering contact lenses is very easy. The mark of the lens to ask should be the same as you used lately, in case you do not find it on our site because your lenses are white label, you must contact us so that our eye care indicate you, depending on the material , you should ask lenses.
Graduation ask is indicated on the box or blister of the latest lenses that have used.
If the lenses are spherical you must indicate power, base curve (Rc) and diameter, although in many cases the latter two parameters are only indicating only the power of the lenses.
If you are nearsighted you must indicate negative power (eg -2.00), if instead you are farsighted you must indicate positive power (eg +2.00)
In case you need toric lenses (especially for astigmatism) plus spherical power we must indicate cylinder and axis, all you is indicated on the box or packaging of your lenses.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Should I ask lenses if I have not ever used?

It can not be dangerous.
If they never used contact lenses, you should go to an optical center and optical professional will conduct a specific test, you indicate which lens is best for your eye you how to operate and control the adaptation.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Can I order any brand of contact lenses?

In Prodevisión we sell genuine brand lenses. Some manufacturers market their lenses with other personalizing names for large chains such as white goods. They are the same lenses with different name and packaging.
It is advisable to ask the same material of lenses you are using, so if you do not find your brand of lenses can search by material, radius of curvature, hydration etc.
If you do not find consult our eye care will help you choose your lenses.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address

Can I return my contact lenses?

Return of contact lenses: We can distinguish two groups of contact lenses, customer lenses and stock lenses, already made and ready to serve the customer.

Manufacturing contact lenses are not allowed to be returned, unless there is an error on the part of Prodevisión.

Manufacturing lenses: These are contact lenses that are not manufactured due to special parameters or to which the manufacturer makes all or most of the contact lenses tailored to the patients. This is the case for most lenses manufactured by Mark Ennovy Laboratories (Saphir, Gentle 59, Gentle 80 ....). In addition, the contact lenses of all laboratories, bear the name Rx or XR together with the name, indicating this characteristic. They are usually lenses for special eyes or toric lenses with astigmatism greater than 2.25 diopters.

Stock Lenses: They are those that are already manufactured, that is, manufacturer or distributor has them available, ready to serve the final customer. These include spherical and toric lenses with astigmatism up to 2.25 diopters. These contact lenses are allowed to be returned, provided they have not been opened or marked by the customer. The return period is 14 calendar days from the date the customer receives the order.

In case of doubt contact us at tel: +34 617357588 or at the email address

What I can do if I dry contact lenses?

Dry eyes and therefore the lenses is normal today, because dry environments, many hours of computer, tablets etc.
Symptoms usually blur, discomfort with carry or are very stuck when removing them.
In Prodevisión moisturizers have the best solutions in the market, compatible with all lenses, appearing in two formats: unidosis and multidose.
Rewetting drops or artificial tears used as one drop in each eye with lenses on.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Contact lens fluids

Introduction to liquid contact lenses

In Prodevisión liquids only sell top brand contact lenses, as are those that exceed the most stringent quality controls.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address

What liquid contact lenses should I choose?

It is advisable to use the same liquid lenses and is of quality, top brand, as are those that exceed controls highest quality, if you are changing liquid can have problems like itching, red eyes, less tolerance of hours Use or intolerance to contact lens use.
If you do not find your liquid lenses, it can be a white label, you should consult us, our eye care liquid will advise the most suitable material for your lenses lenses.
Normally liquid lenses expire between 30 and 90 days after opening.
For your complete safety, see the manufacturer's instructions, you will find them written or specified on the packaging or inner leaflet.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Can I return my liquid contact lenses?

Yes, you have 30 days for your return.
Before making the return you must contact us by phone or email.
In your private customer area you will find the return form to download ("my orders"), already includes our shipping address. Please put it inside the package and make the order number visible on the outside of the shipment just like putting the correct sender data.
Once the goods have been received and the lenses liquid has not been opened or manipulated, we will refund the full amount of the purchase. Otherwise, we reserve the right to return the amount to the customer.
In case of return by mistake of the client, the expenses of return will be on account of the same.

If in doubt contact us at tel: + 34 617357588 or email address



Shipping time may vary from 3 to 14 days depending on the arrangement of the products.
If there is a problem of breakage of stock or discontinuation of the product by the manufacturer we will contact with the customer to inform the new delivery times or, if unable to serve the product, can decide whether to continue with the purchase or canceled. 

Shipping to Spain (Except Islands) will be free for purchases over 59€.

Delivery in 24 Hours
Delivery within 24 hours only includes items with this icon Indicating that the product is in stock in our physical store. 
Only for shipments to Spain 
If the product order 24 hours icon is done before 17:00 on working days, the delivery will be made at that time by courier. 
If the order is placed after 17:00 pm weekdays, weekends or holidays, the delivery time shall begin on the next business day. 
Orders made Friday will be delivered the next working day. 
If requesting a goggle available in store with prescription lenses, the delivery period will vary depending on the type requested graduated glass. 

What does Product available soon? 
It means that the product is NEW and exposure online store is intended that our customers know the news from the best manufacturers, but its availability does not have specific date. In case it is requested us, we will contact the customer to inform the approximate delivery date.
If there is a problem of breakage of stock or discontinuation of the product by the manufacturer we will contact with the customer to inform the new delivery times or, if unable to serve the product, can decide whether to continue with the purchase or canceled. 

The shipping costs will be:

Spain (Except Islands) (1 - 2 Business Days)
- Purchases over 49€ - Free 
- Purchases less than 49€ - 5.20€ 

Spain (Balearic Islands) (4 - 6 Days)
- Purchases over 70€ - 5.39€ 
- Purchases less than 70€ -10.68€  

Spain (Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) (4 - 6 Days)
- Purchases over 70€ - 5.39€ 
- Purchases less than 70€ - 10.68€ 

Shipping to Europe
Purchases greater than 70€Purchases less than 70€ 
Austria11.53€ 16.83€ 2-3
Bélgica11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Bulgaria15.21€ 20.51€ 2-3
Chipre11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Croacia15.21€ 20.51€ 2-3 
Dinamarca11.52€ 16.82€ 1-2
Eslovaquia 11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Eslovenia11.52€ 16.82€ 3-4 
Estonia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Finlandia11.52€ 16.82€ 1-2 
Francia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Grecia16.82€ 16.82 2-3 
Holanda11.52€ 16.82€ 3-4 
Hungría11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Irlanda11.52€ 16.82€ 1-2 
Italia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Letonia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Lituania11.53€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Luxemburgo11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Mónaco11.53€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Polonia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Portugal   3.25€  8.50€1.2 
Reino Unido  9.10€ 14.39€ 4-6 
República Checa11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Rumanía 15.21€ 20.51€ 2-3
Suecia11.52€ 16.82€ 1-2


If there is some kind of tariff or customs charges, the costs will be borne by the buyer. If the buyer does not want to take over the customs fees, Prodevisión not refund the order and will not take over the package 

When the shipping address provided by the buyer is incorrect or incomplete to produce a return and some expenses incurred, such costs will be borne by the buyer. 

All our items leave our facilities with packing in perfect condition. If delivery externally observed damage; do clearly on the delivery note indicating messaging "BULK BEATEN AND  VISUALLY  IMPAIRED. PENDING REVIEW "and tell us immediately To customer service phone +34 617357588 to email, we will manage it to give you a solution as soon as possible. 

All shipments to Spain and the rest of the world will be made through GLS and Correos. 

Forms of payment

Types of Payment:

 In Prodevisión all payments are safe, since we work with the best financial institutions, guaranteeing all transactions.
We have several forms of secure payment, you can choose the one that most interests you.

- Paypal

- Wire transfer

- Credit card



It is the most used online payment method, since it is the fastest, safest and easiest to use.
If you do not have a paypal account and are interested in creating one, click here.

Credit card:

In Prodevisión we have implemented the Secure Payment method. You can pay with any credit card except American Express. If you have any problem at the time of making the payment, the most convenient thing is that you contact us or the entity providing the card.

Wire transfer:

If you select this payment method, an email will be sent to you providing you with the bank account number where you must make the transfer, noting the order number and name in concept. When the transfer has been made and in order to put the order in process, it is convenient that you send us by email the proof of that transfer.

The bank details are the following:

Name of the bank: CaixaBank
IBAN: ES12 2100 8258 0402 0007 0066
Important Note: In no case will be sent the item purchased before the payment is reflected in our bank account (estimated time of 2 to 3 days).

In case of doubt you can consult us on the phone: +34 617357588 or at the email address



All our products are original brands. They have a three  year warranty, in accordance with current law, covering any manufacturing defect and excluding misuse of the product.

All of our items are shipped from the warehouse with the packaging in perfect condition.

- The warranty covers the replacement or repair of the defective part.

- The guarantee DOES NOT COVER the crystals (scratches and bad manipulation of the crystals)

Legal warranty conditions:

In case of defective product, Prodevisión will provide repair, replacement, price reduction or termination of the contract, which will be free of charge to the customer.
Prodevisión responds to any lack of conformity that manifests itself within three  years from the delivery of the product to the customer.
The client must inform Prodevisión of the lack of conformity within three  months of being aware of it.

In case the article purchased in Prodevision arises a manufacturing defect, you must contact us, so that our staff will tell you how to act. Prodevisión will make a collection of the defective product in the address indicated by the customer and once the product has been repaired or replaced, the return and shipping costs back to the customer will be borne by Prodevisión.

It is possible that from Prodevisión we request one or several photographs of the defect of the product, which the customer can send to our email, indicated below.


Returning items:

The following are the conditions of Returns in Prodevisión:

The client has 30 days from the reception of the package for return, except in contact lenses, in which the term is shorter (consult on return of contact lenses).
Before making a return the customer must contact us by phone or email.

Prodevisión makes available to its customers a return form that must be completed and signed. This form must be included inside the return package.

In your private customer area you will find the return form to download ("my orders"), already includes name and order number made to return and our shipping address. Please put it inside the package and make the order number visible on the outside of the shipment just like putting the correct sender data.

Once the goods have been received and verified that the product is in perfect condition, it does not show signs of being used or poorly handled, Prodevisión will refund the full amount of the purchase.
In case we receive the incomplete, damaged, badly manipulated, or marked (marked or open contact lenses), we reserve the right to make a partial payment or return the product to the customer.
The product returned must carry everything sent by Prodevisión.

In case of return of products wrongly sent by Prodevisión, shipping and return costs will be borne by us, if the error is the customer or does not want the item purchased, the return costs will be borne by the customer.


In case the client decides to return the product that he has purchased in Prodevisión for reasons beyond the company (having received the requested product in perfect condition), the cost of return will be borne by the customer.

Return of prescription glasses: in case of return of spectacles with graduated glasses, will be made the fertilizer of the frame, never of the graduated lenses, since they are lenses bevelled for a specific mount, according to article 103 of the General Law for the defense Of consumers and users.
Return of contact lenses: We can distinguish two groups of contact lenses, customer lenses and stock lenses, already made and ready to serve the customer.
Manufacturing contact lenses are not allowed to be returned, unless there is an error on the part of Prodevisión.

Manufacturing lenses: These are contact lenses that are not manufactured due to special parameters or to which the manufacturer makes all or most of the contact lenses tailored to the patients. This is the case for most lenses manufactured by Mark Ennovy Laboratories (Saphir, Gentle 59, Gentle 80 ....). In addition, the contact lenses of all laboratories, bear the name Rx or XR together with the name, indicating this characteristic. They are usually lenses for special eyes or toric lenses with astigmatism greater than 2.25 diopters.

Stock Lenses: They are those that are already manufactured, that is, manufacturer or distributor has them available, ready to serve the final customer. These include spherical and toric lenses with astigmatism up to 2.25 diopters. These contact lenses are allowed to be returned, provided they have not been opened or marked by the customer. The return period is 14 calendar days from the date the customer receives the order.

Return of replacement sunglasses: Refunds of sunglasses are not allowed if they have been assembled, handled or scratched.

* How to return a product?

You must contact us by email. Customer service will explain the steps to follow.
In your private customer area you will find the return form to download ("my orders"), already includes our shipping address. Please put it inside the package and make the order number visible on the outside of the shipment just like putting the correct sender data.

The address where you must send the product is: C / Carmen, 5 30110 Cabezo de Torres (Murcia)

Frequently asked questions


What is FAQ?

In this section you can solve all your doubts and can find out about all the services we offer and how we work.
If you have not resolved your questions, do not worry, please contact us and we will be happy to assist.
You can call us at tel. +34 617357588 or send an email to
Our hours are: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.30 and 20.30 17.00ha 10.00 to 13:30 p.m. Saturday.

Why do I need to wear glasses to see well?

Because you are in the group of people who have a visual impairment that hinders their view. Refectivos The most common defects are: myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia and visual fatigue sight.
We will explain briefly what each consite.

It is a refractive error by which light rays coming from infinity focus to the eye before the retina when they should converge on the same retina. Myopia causes poor vision in far distances.
Myopia can be hereditary but today affects the massive use of computing devices, tablets and mobile phones.
This defect is corrected with glasses or contact lenses negative.
It is recommended that myopia is detected at an early age, so it is advisable to eye check-ups by a professional vision to children from 5 years if obvious symptoms is seen before that age, which, You will have to go to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

It is a visual defect whereby rays of light coming from infinity to the eye, behind the retina converge when it should focus on. This refractive error causes difficulty in near vision, doing, in terms of diopters hyperopic, impossible to focus on objects at close range and causing eye strain that will cause fatigue, red eyes and ultimately failure or neglect tasks close . In middle and high hyperopia far visual acuity is also reduced.
In children with hyperopia not usually have decreased visual acuity, given that, to have a strong eye muscles are able to accommodate camouflaging such defect not being obvious that the child has a vision problem. It is therefore important to test for possible refractive hyperopia ranging to cause vision problems and consequently, poor school performance. The children hiermetropía corrected early can lessen or disappear with the normal development of age.
Hyperopia is corrected with glasses or contact lenses positive.

It is a visual defect caused by a change in the curvature of the cornea. Its main feature is that it causes blurring both far and near and therefore headaches and eyestrain.
As a general rule astigmatism is congenital, but can be caused by trauma, ocular interventions (cataract ...) and corneal ulcers.
They also say that the astigmatism can be combined with nearsightedness or farsightedness, leading to myopic or hyperopic astigmatism
This refractive error is corrected with cylindrical lenses or toric lenses.

It is a visual defect associated with age. Usually it appears after 40 years, caused by the decrease in accommodative ability of the eye, making it increasingly difficult to focus on close objects.
The effects of presbyopia are more or less noticeable depending on the daily activities of every person, for example, a person who works near vision as a jeweler or computer will accuse more than one person, who by their activity, mainly used for distance vision.
The normal symptoms of presbyopia is that as a result of the loss of accommodation of the eye, you have to zoom out for a better view objects, such as a book or mobile phone.
The presbyopia is compensated with glasses closely, progressive lenses or progressive lenses.

Eye strain:
In early age the eye accommodates far to near without any problems, due to the elasticity of the ciliary muscles of the eye. Upon reaching aged between 30 and 40 years that muscle elasticity decreases causing eyestrain, especially those who use computing devices such as computer screens, tablets, smartphones etc.
Visual fatigue is very easy to edit with occupational lenses.


What products sell in Prodevisión?

In Prodevisión we are professional vision. We have a fitness center we work in contact with patients, therefore, through this page we would like to offer our services and conocimentos to all web users.
We offer all products included in the world of optics, optometry and contact lens including: ophthalmic lenses, eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, contact lens care solutions and other optical accessories themselves.
All our products are 100% original, we do not have white markings or imitations.
In Prodevisión guarantee of authenticity attached to all our sunglasses and graded given by the manufacturer.
Most items have their corresponding photograph or image, so when you choose your prescription glasses, contact lenses or sunglasses have no doubt that it is the item you wish to buy.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address

Product Availability

What if the product I purchased is not available?

In Prodevisión, online optics, we have variety of patterns and colors in stock in our physical store. 
The website shows the complete collections with all existing models and colors and state, thanks to an icon 48 hours we have in store. If the icon does not appear, we have to apply the model to the manufacturer to be subject to the availability of the product in the factory. 
Should we be ordered an item, if you do not have in stock, we will ask the factory. If the product is in production, has been discontinued or will be distributed soon, we will notify the customer by email or phone call and will decide whether we continue with the order or is canceled with the consequent return of the amount paid, all without any financial compensation to the customer.

What is Available Product Coming Soon?

It means that the product is NEW and its exhibition in the online store has the purpose of that our clients know the novelties of the best manufacturers, but their availability has no concrete date. In case we are requested, we will contact the client to inform him of the approximate date of delivery and the latter can decide whether to continue or with the order or cancel it.

Information about graduation

How do you know my graduation for glasses?

Graduation to the spectacle usually comes in a recipe, either the optometrist or ophthalmologist.
You can also get your old glasses, provided that the graduation is recent, ie a year or so old. If you have more than a year we suggest going to the optician or ophthalmologist to check it and update it.
The possibility exists that you send us your latest spectacle, if you have a spare, that we with our devices obtain graduation and you make the new glasses with the same data (in this case of carriage of the glasses to Prodevisión run by the customer).

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address

Prescription lenses

What in Prodevisión sell prescription lenses?

In Prodevisión we work with the best manufacturers of prescription lenses. 
According to our experience in our center, 99% of the glasses are made with organic lenses, since these have several advantages over mineral lenses. 
The organic lenses weigh much less, making the glasses more comfortable to wear. On the other hand, they are more resistant to shocks and drops (they are virtually unbreakable), offering the same quality of vision than mineral lenses.

Basic Monofocal

Monofocal lenses are those carrying a single graduation in the entire surface. They are used to correct visual defects as: 

Myopia (-): patients with myopia has poor vision in distance. 

Hyperopia (+): the patient has difficulty farsighted vision nearby. 

 - Astigmatism patients with astigmatism note blur the images both far and near. 

Presbyopia: age-related defect, which causes the patient to have difficulty and sometimes inability to focus on objects at close distances. 

In our online shop we offer three types of single vision prescription lenses, depending on the quality of the lens (all lenses are not equal). The three types of monofocal lenses are: 

- Basic Monofocal
- Monofocal High-End  
- Monofocal Free Form  

We next explain in detail each of them. 

Basic Monofocal: monofocal lenses with spherical design, optical quality and scratchproof treatment standard. For more performance of these lenses it is convenient with anti-glare treatment, getting harder and transparency.

Monofocal High-End:  monofocal lenses with aspheric design, which means less lateral spherical aberrations that basic lens design. This decrease lateral aberrations that have high-end lenses provide clearer vision, reducing visual stress. 
Monofocal lenses High-end multilayer antireflection including lead, giving maximum performance lens. 
Furthermore, aspheric lenses in patients with hyperopia are flatter, thus finer, leaving the assembly aesthetically better glasses.

Monofocal Free Form: Free Form lenses specially manufactured with special technology, eliminating the limitations of conventional designs, adapting to each user's specific graduation. The point-to-point optimization is applied across the lens resulting in an even more comfortable monofocal design. 
Its manufacturing technology is based on the sizing point about eliminating aberrations and increasing the lateral fields of vision, creating a clearer and sharper vision even in peripheral areas. 
The user will get a high performance vision throughout the day, getting an extra in the sight of the details, no restrictions on the selection of frames.

Progressive lenses 

Are lenses that allow multiple visual fields are incorporated into a single lens with no visible distinction between them (are lenses without cutting).
With vision and progressive lenses get comfort from afar, through intermediate areas to close, smooth and progressive. 
Progressive lenses are indicated for patients with presbyopia.

All our progressive lenses are Free Form. Free Form lenses are manufactured with the latest technology in progressive lenses, eliminating the limitations of conventional designs, adapting to the specific graduation of each eye separately, obtaining better results in the user's binocular vision. The point-to-point optimization is applied across the lens resulting in an even more comfortable progressive design. 
Its manufacturing technology is based on the sizing point about eliminating aberrations and increasing the lateral fields of vision, creating a clearer and sharper vision even in peripheral areas. 
The user will get a high performance vision throughout the day, getting an extra in the sight of the details, no restrictions on the selection of frames.

In Prodevisión offer four ranges depending progressive visual field that have: 

- Standard Progressive
- Advance Progressive
- Progressive High-End

Below we explain each. 

Standard Progressive: Basic progressive lens which meets the daily needs of the user both in distance, near and intermediate. Available with or without anti-glare three reductions to choose according to user graduation, photochromic and color.

Advance Progressive: progressive lens having means visual fields, based on the optimization of graduation. This lens is available with or without anti-glare three reductions as graduation, photochromic and color.

Progressive High-EndProgressive HD production technology, which provides broad visual field, with minimal noticeable distortion level by the user. 
These lenses are manufactured using standard multilayer antireflection (included), three reductions as graduation user, photochromic and color.

Guarantee adaptation progressive lenses. In case of failure to adapt to the progressive, it has two months from receipt to exchange them for a higher range, paying the difference. 

In Prodevisión we work with the best manufacturers of prescription lenses, including the Zeiss house, one of the best industries in the manufacture of ophthalmic lenses globally. 

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

What is a reduced graduated lens?

Reducing a prescription lenses is determined by its refractive index, the higher index lens is thinnest, ie, a lens five manufactured diopters at a rate 1.74 will be 50% thinner and lighter than the same graduation made in index 1.5.
It is important that you consider your graduation choosing your graduate reducing lens.

Prescription lenses are basically classified into four types according to the reduction:

Lens 1.5: is recommended for low rankings to 1.5 dp basic lens.
Lens 1.6: reduced glass, thinner and 20% lighter than the lens 1.5, recommended lower half steps and to 2.75 dp.
1.67 Lens: crystal cut 40% thinner and lighter than the lens 1.5, recommended for medium and high rankings to 5.00 dp.
-1.74 Lens: Crystal maximum reduction to 50% thinner and lighter than a lens 1.5, recommended for high rankings from 5.00 dp.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: 617357588 or email address 

What is a progressive lens?

It is a specially manufactured lens, which allows us to have an optimal view of distant objects near and intermediate distances, all in the same lens.
The manufacturing technology of progressive lenses is based on a succession of graduation from the top of the lens (intended for farsightedness), to the bottom of the lens (intended for near vision) through central (intended for intermediate vision), all smoothly without big jumps.
The difference in quality is given by the progressive field of vision they provide and the technology with which they are manufactured.
The latest fabrication technology called progressive lenses Free Form (PtP carved on both sides of the lens), providing fields of view wider than in conventional lenses.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: + 34 617357588 or email address

How are Prodevisión progressive lenses?

In Prodevisión we work with leading progressive lens market.

Progressive lenses allow multiple visual fields are incorporated into a single lens with no visible distinction between them (they are lenses without cutting). 
With vision and progressive lenses get comfort from afar, through intermediate areas to close, smooth and progressive. 
Progressive lenses are indicated for patients with presbyopia.

Free Form lenses are manufactured with the latest technology in progressive lenses, eliminating the limitations of conventional designs, adapting to the specific graduation of each eye separately, obtaining better results in the user's binocular vision. The point-to-point optimization is applied across the lens resulting in an even more comfortable progressive design. 
Its manufacturing technology is based on the sizing point about eliminating aberrations and increasing the lateral fields of vision, creating a clearer and sharper vision even in peripheral areas. 
The user will get a high performance vision throughout the day, getting an extra in the sight of the details, no restrictions on the selection of frames.

In Prodevisión offer three  ranges depending progressive visual field that have: 

- Standard Progressive 
- Advance Progressive 
- Progressive High-End 

Below we explain each. 

Standard Progressive: Basic progressive lens which meets the daily needs of the user both in distance, near and intermediate. Available with or without anti-glare three reductions to choose according to user graduation, photochromic and color.

Advance Progressive: progressive lens having means visual fields, based on the optimization of graduation. This lens is available with or without anti-glare three reductions as graduation, photochromic and color.

Progressive High-EndProgressive HD production technology, which provides broad visual field, with minimal noticeable distortion level by the user. 
These lenses are manufactured using standard multilayer antireflection (included), three reductions as graduation user, photochromic and color.

Guarantee adaptation progressive lenses. In case of failure to adapt to the progressive, it has two months from receipt to exchange them for a higher range, paying the difference. 

In Prodevisión we work with the best manufacturers of prescription lenses, including the Zeiss house, one of the best industries in the manufacture of ophthalmic lenses globally.

It is noteworthy that all our progressive lenses are manufactured in possible reductions (1.5, 1.6, 1.67 and 1.74).
If you want photochromic lens (which darken the sun), reducing the lens reaches 1.67.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

What is a photochromic lens or transition?

Photochromic lenses, also called smart lenses are those that darken when exposed to sunlight. The obscuring much depends on the intensity of light they receive, if the day is cloudy unless they darken if it is sunny.
The basic principle is that these prescription lenses have a treatment layer comprises organic molecules having an effect of darkening due to a reversible chemical reaction of oxidation / reduction.
Our fotocomáticas lenses have a much smaller than conventional, darkening faster and clearing 20% ​​to 50% faster than the normal reaction time.
The photochromic lenses are made reductions in 1.5, 1.6 and 1.67.
These lenses may darken in two different colors, brown and gray, to choose one to go to the selected glasses (eg if the glasses are better be a gray black) or the one you like.
Also indicate that the photochromic lenses are fully compatible with the antiglare treatment, and taking all factors and shaded comfort, glare-free vision.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

What is a graduated lens sun?

Prescription sunglasses lenses or sun lenses are those that provide a clear vision and relaxed in sunlight, offering full protection against UV rays from a coloration of 30%.
In Prodevisión we have a wide range of colors for solar lenses, all with 100% UVA protection / b.
There are two ways to make a lens sun graded in terms of coloration uniform and degraded.
Uniforms: the entire lens is the same color, the most common colors green, gray and brown.
Gradient: color intensity descends to the bottom of the lens, rinsed down. Esta variedad existe en distintos tonos de color. This variety exists in various shades of color.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

What is a polarized lens sun?

A sun polarized lens is a lens base to which is applied a layer with a polarizing filter, blocking incoming light only in one direction. Typically, with a vertical polarizing filter, blocking the light coming horizontally.
Given that sunlight is diffused in all directions (not polarized), the polarized lenses block not directly, but when the light incident on a horizontal surface (such as road, sea, snow ... ), polarized lenses that eliminate glare, improving contrast and glare protection.

Polarized lenses provide sharper, clear and relaxed vision under sunlight.
This type of lens is manufactured in three colors, green, gray and brown 85%.
Polarized lenses are especially suitable or recommended driving, winter sports and aquatic.
It is noteworthy that are not recommended for the use of digital devices.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: + 34 617357588 or email address 


How to choose your glasses graduate?

In Prodevisión we have a wide variety of prescription glasses of the most prestigious brands.
We have over 10,000 different models of prescription glasses. We are confident that in Prodrevisión find the glasses you are looking for and that fits your needs.
It is important to consider your graduation choosing the frame.
- If your ranking is low-medium (up 2.75 dp) you can choose the frame you like, metal or pasta and the size you like.
- If your ranking is high in both nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism it is advisable to choose a frame of pasta (important to choose the right prescription lenses with reduction according to our recommendations), and medium or small (the smaller, better will be the large size Lens). Eg myopia lenses are thin in the center and as we'll thicken the edges, therefore, the greater will be the thickest glasses crystals.
Another point to consider is that if you have allergies to nickel or metals, it is advisable to choose a rimmed or titanium, since these materials are hypoallergenic and do not usually cause any problems.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Contact lenses

How do you know my graduation for contact lenses?

Ordering contact lenses is very easy. The mark of the lens to ask should be the same as you used lately, in case you do not find it on our site because your lenses are white label, you must contact us so that our eye care indicate you, depending on the material , you should ask lenses.
Graduation ask is indicated on the box or blister of the latest lenses that have used.
If the lenses are spherical you must indicate power, base curve (Rc) and diameter, although in many cases the latter two parameters are only indicating only the power of the lenses.
If you are nearsighted you must indicate negative power (eg -2.00), if instead you are farsighted you must indicate positive power (eg +2.00)
In case you need toric lenses (especially for astigmatism) plus spherical power we must indicate cylinder and axis, all you is indicated on the box or packaging of your lenses.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Should I ask lenses if I have not ever used?

It can not be dangerous.
If they never used contact lenses, you should go to an optical center and optical professional will conduct a specific test, you indicate which lens is best for your eye you how to operate and control the adaptation.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Can I order any brand of contact lenses?

In Prodevisión we sell genuine brand lenses. Some manufacturers market their lenses with other personalizing names for large chains such as white goods. They are the same lenses with different name and packaging.
It is advisable to ask the same material of lenses you are using, so if you do not find your brand of lenses can search by material, radius of curvature, hydration etc.
If you do not find consult our eye care will help you choose your lenses.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address

Can I return my contact lenses?

Return of contact lenses: We can distinguish two groups of contact lenses, customer lenses and stock lenses, already made and ready to serve the customer.

Manufacturing contact lenses are not allowed to be returned, unless there is an error on the part of Prodevisión.

Manufacturing lenses: These are contact lenses that are not manufactured due to special parameters or to which the manufacturer makes all or most of the contact lenses tailored to the patients. This is the case for most lenses manufactured by Mark Ennovy Laboratories (Saphir, Gentle 59, Gentle 80 ....). In addition, the contact lenses of all laboratories, bear the name Rx or XR together with the name, indicating this characteristic. They are usually lenses for special eyes or toric lenses with astigmatism greater than 2.25 diopters.

Stock Lenses: They are those that are already manufactured, that is, manufacturer or distributor has them available, ready to serve the final customer. These include spherical and toric lenses with astigmatism up to 2.25 diopters. These contact lenses are allowed to be returned, provided they have not been opened or marked by the customer. The return period is 14 calendar days from the date the customer receives the order.

In case of doubt contact us at tel: +34 617357588 or at the email address

What I can do if I dry contact lenses?

Dry eyes and therefore the lenses is normal today, because dry environments, many hours of computer, tablets etc.
Symptoms usually blur, discomfort with carry or are very stuck when removing them.
In Prodevisión moisturizers have the best solutions in the market, compatible with all lenses, appearing in two formats: unidosis and multidose.
Rewetting drops or artificial tears used as one drop in each eye with lenses on.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Contact lens fluids

Introduction to liquid contact lenses

In Prodevisión liquids only sell top brand contact lenses, as are those that exceed the most stringent quality controls.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address

What liquid contact lenses should I choose?

It is advisable to use the same liquid lenses and is of quality, top brand, as are those that exceed controls highest quality, if you are changing liquid can have problems like itching, red eyes, less tolerance of hours Use or intolerance to contact lens use.
If you do not find your liquid lenses, it can be a white label, you should consult us, our eye care liquid will advise the most suitable material for your lenses lenses.
Normally liquid lenses expire between 30 and 90 days after opening.
For your complete safety, see the manufacturer's instructions, you will find them written or specified on the packaging or inner leaflet.

If in doubt you can consult us at tel: +34 617357588 or email address 

Can I return my liquid contact lenses?

Yes, you have 30 days for your return.
Before making the return you must contact us by phone or email.
In your private customer area you will find the return form to download ("my orders"), already includes our shipping address. Please put it inside the package and make the order number visible on the outside of the shipment just like putting the correct sender data.
Once the goods have been received and the lenses liquid has not been opened or manipulated, we will refund the full amount of the purchase. Otherwise, we reserve the right to return the amount to the customer.
In case of return by mistake of the client, the expenses of return will be on account of the same.

If in doubt contact us at tel: + 34 617357588 or email address



Shipping time may vary from 3 to 14 days depending on the arrangement of the products.
If there is a problem of breakage of stock or discontinuation of the product by the manufacturer we will contact with the customer to inform the new delivery times or, if unable to serve the product, can decide whether to continue with the purchase or canceled. 

Shipping to Spain (Except Islands) will be free for purchases over 59€.

Delivery in 24 Hours
Delivery within 24 hours only includes items with this icon Indicating that the product is in stock in our physical store. 
Only for shipments to Spain 
If the product order 24 hours icon is done before 17:00 on working days, the delivery will be made at that time by courier. 
If the order is placed after 17:00 pm weekdays, weekends or holidays, the delivery time shall begin on the next business day. 
Orders made Friday will be delivered the next working day. 
If requesting a goggle available in store with prescription lenses, the delivery period will vary depending on the type requested graduated glass. 

What does Product available soon? 
It means that the product is NEW and exposure online store is intended that our customers know the news from the best manufacturers, but its availability does not have specific date. In case it is requested us, we will contact the customer to inform the approximate delivery date.
If there is a problem of breakage of stock or discontinuation of the product by the manufacturer we will contact with the customer to inform the new delivery times or, if unable to serve the product, can decide whether to continue with the purchase or canceled. 

The shipping costs will be:

Spain (Except Islands) (1 - 2 Business Days)
- Purchases over 49€ - Free 
- Purchases less than 49€ - 5.20€ 

Spain (Balearic Islands) (4 - 6 Days)
- Purchases over 70€ - 5.39€ 
- Purchases less than 70€ -10.68€  

Spain (Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) (4 - 6 Days)
- Purchases over 70€ - 5.39€ 
- Purchases less than 70€ - 10.68€ 

Shipping to Europe
Purchases greater than 70€Purchases less than 70€ 
Austria11.53€ 16.83€ 2-3
Bélgica11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Bulgaria15.21€ 20.51€ 2-3
Chipre11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Croacia15.21€ 20.51€ 2-3 
Dinamarca11.52€ 16.82€ 1-2
Eslovaquia 11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Eslovenia11.52€ 16.82€ 3-4 
Estonia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Finlandia11.52€ 16.82€ 1-2 
Francia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Grecia16.82€ 16.82 2-3 
Holanda11.52€ 16.82€ 3-4 
Hungría11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Irlanda11.52€ 16.82€ 1-2 
Italia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Letonia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Lituania11.53€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Luxemburgo11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Mónaco11.53€ 16.82€ 2-3 
Polonia11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Portugal   3.25€  8.50€1.2 
Reino Unido  9.10€ 14.39€ 4-6 
República Checa11.52€ 16.82€ 2-3
Rumanía 15.21€ 20.51€ 2-3
Suecia11.52€ 16.82€ 1-2


If there is some kind of tariff or customs charges, the costs will be borne by the buyer. If the buyer does not want to take over the customs fees, Prodevisión not refund the order and will not take over the package 

When the shipping address provided by the buyer is incorrect or incomplete to produce a return and some expenses incurred, such costs will be borne by the buyer. 

All our items leave our facilities with packing in perfect condition. If delivery externally observed damage; do clearly on the delivery note indicating messaging "BULK BEATEN AND  VISUALLY  IMPAIRED. PENDING REVIEW "and tell us immediately To customer service phone +34 617357588 to email, we will manage it to give you a solution as soon as possible. 

All shipments to Spain and the rest of the world will be made through GLS and Correos. 

Forms of payment

Types of Payment:

 In Prodevisión all payments are safe, since we work with the best financial institutions, guaranteeing all transactions.
We have several forms of secure payment, you can choose the one that most interests you.

- Paypal

- Wire transfer

- Credit card



It is the most used online payment method, since it is the fastest, safest and easiest to use.
If you do not have a paypal account and are interested in creating one, click here.

Credit card:

In Prodevisión we have implemented the Secure Payment method. You can pay with any credit card except American Express. If you have any problem at the time of making the payment, the most convenient thing is that you contact us or the entity providing the card.

Wire transfer:

If you select this payment method, an email will be sent to you providing you with the bank account number where you must make the transfer, noting the order number and name in concept. When the transfer has been made and in order to put the order in process, it is convenient that you send us by email the proof of that transfer.

The bank details are the following:

Name of the bank: CaixaBank
IBAN: ES12 2100 8258 0402 0007 0066
Important Note: In no case will be sent the item purchased before the payment is reflected in our bank account (estimated time of 2 to 3 days).

In case of doubt you can consult us on the phone: +34 617357588 or at the email address



All our products are original brands. They have a three  year warranty, in accordance with current law, covering any manufacturing defect and excluding misuse of the product.

All of our items are shipped from the warehouse with the packaging in perfect condition.

- The warranty covers the replacement or repair of the defective part.

- The guarantee DOES NOT COVER the crystals (scratches and bad manipulation of the crystals)

Legal warranty conditions:

In case of defective product, Prodevisión will provide repair, replacement, price reduction or termination of the contract, which will be free of charge to the customer.
Prodevisión responds to any lack of conformity that manifests itself within three  years from the delivery of the product to the customer.
The client must inform Prodevisión of the lack of conformity within three  months of being aware of it.

In case the article purchased in Prodevision arises a manufacturing defect, you must contact us, so that our staff will tell you how to act. Prodevisión will make a collection of the defective product in the address indicated by the customer and once the product has been repaired or replaced, the return and shipping costs back to the customer will be borne by Prodevisión.

It is possible that from Prodevisión we request one or several photographs of the defect of the product, which the customer can send to our email, indicated below.


Returning items:

The following are the conditions of Returns in Prodevisión:

The client has 30 days from the reception of the package for return, except in contact lenses, in which the term is shorter (consult on return of contact lenses).
Before making a return the customer must contact us by phone or email.

Prodevisión makes available to its customers a return form that must be completed and signed. This form must be included inside the return package.

In your private customer area you will find the return form to download ("my orders"), already includes name and order number made to return and our shipping address. Please put it inside the package and make the order number visible on the outside of the shipment just like putting the correct sender data.

Once the goods have been received and verified that the product is in perfect condition, it does not show signs of being used or poorly handled, Prodevisión will refund the full amount of the purchase.
In case we receive the incomplete, damaged, badly manipulated, or marked (marked or open contact lenses), we reserve the right to make a partial payment or return the product to the customer.
The product returned must carry everything sent by Prodevisión.

In case of return of products wrongly sent by Prodevisión, shipping and return costs will be borne by us, if the error is the customer or does not want the item purchased, the return costs will be borne by the customer.


In case the client decides to return the product that he has purchased in Prodevisión for reasons beyond the company (having received the requested product in perfect condition), the cost of return will be borne by the customer.

Return of prescription glasses: in case of return of spectacles with graduated glasses, will be made the fertilizer of the frame, never of the graduated lenses, since they are lenses bevelled for a specific mount, according to article 103 of the General Law for the defense Of consumers and users.
Return of contact lenses: We can distinguish two groups of contact lenses, customer lenses and stock lenses, already made and ready to serve the customer.
Manufacturing contact lenses are not allowed to be returned, unless there is an error on the part of Prodevisión.

Manufacturing lenses: These are contact lenses that are not manufactured due to special parameters or to which the manufacturer makes all or most of the contact lenses tailored to the patients. This is the case for most lenses manufactured by Mark Ennovy Laboratories (Saphir, Gentle 59, Gentle 80 ....). In addition, the contact lenses of all laboratories, bear the name Rx or XR together with the name, indicating this characteristic. They are usually lenses for special eyes or toric lenses with astigmatism greater than 2.25 diopters.

Stock Lenses: They are those that are already manufactured, that is, manufacturer or distributor has them available, ready to serve the final customer. These include spherical and toric lenses with astigmatism up to 2.25 diopters. These contact lenses are allowed to be returned, provided they have not been opened or marked by the customer. The return period is 14 calendar days from the date the customer receives the order.

Return of replacement sunglasses: Refunds of sunglasses are not allowed if they have been assembled, handled or scratched.

* How to return a product?

You must contact us by email. Customer service will explain the steps to follow.
In your private customer area you will find the return form to download ("my orders"), already includes our shipping address. Please put it inside the package and make the order number visible on the outside of the shipment just like putting the correct sender data.

The address where you must send the product is: C / Carmen, 5 30110 Cabezo de Torres (Murcia)

The newest Sunglasses

The newest prescription glasses

  • Oakley
  • Carrera
  • Ray-Ban
  • Arnette
  • Vogue
  • Tommy Hilfiger
  • Polaroid Sunglasses
  • Swarovski

Payment systems

In PRODEVISION all payment systems are safe, because we work with the best financial institutions that guarantee all our transactions.

We have different method of payments, you can choose the most which interests you.

  • PayPal
  • Bank transfer 
  • Credit card
  • Bizum



At PRODEVISION we work with improvements transit agencies so that you receive your items as quickly as possible.

Shipping to Spain and Portugal (Except Islands)  will be totally free if your purchase amount exceeds the 49€.

All shipments to Spain and the rest of the Europe will be carried out through GLS and Correos. 

Can we help you?
+ 34 617 357 588 + 34 617 357 588