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Equilibria Tórica (2 lentillas)


Mark'ennovyEquilibria Tórica (2 lentillas)



Estimated delivery time of 3-10 working days

Contact lenses

Equilibria Tórica (2 lentillas)

  • Equilibria
  • Quarterly contac lenses
  • Toric Contact Lenses
  • Box of 2 Units
  • We are professional opticians We are professional opticians
  • Original products Original products
  • Power: Of -30.00 A +30.00 Diopters
  • Axis: Of 0º Of 180º
  • Base curve: 9.80, 9.50, 9.20, 8.90, 8.60, 8.30, 8.00 O 7.70 mm
  • Cylinder: -8.00, -7.75, -7.50, -7.25, -7.00, -6.75, -6.50, -6.25, -6.00, -5.75, -5.50, -5.25, -5.00, -4.75, -4.50, -4.25, -4.00, -3.75, -3.50, -3.25, -3.00, -2.75, -2.50, -2.25, -2.00, -1.75, -1.50, -1.25, -1.00 O -0.75 (D)
  • Diameter: 14.50 mm


  • 122,53€1 box

Unit price per box including VAT

Right eye

Left eye

0 Right eye boxes
0 Left eye boxes


Special accessories for Contact Lenses

  • Opti-Free Express 360 ml

    Opti-Free Express 360 ml


  • Opti-Free Puremoist 300 ml

    Opti-Free Puremoist 300 ml


  • 13,65€

  • SoloCare Aqua 360ml

    SoloCare Aqua 360ml


Equilibria Tórica (2 lentillas)


  • Material: Hydrogel Filcon II 2
  • Water content: 59%
  • Eye oxygenation: 24 DK
  • Spherical Power: from -30.00 to +30.00 diopters in steps of 0.25
  • Cylinders: -0.75 up to 8.00 diopters of astigmatism in steps of 0.25
  • Axes: from 0º to 180º in steps of 5º
  • Curvature Radius: from 7.70 mm to 9.80 mm in steps of 0.30
  • Diameter: 14.50 mm
  • Handling tint: Y
  • UV filter: No
  • Maintenance: Single solution / Peroxide
  • Replacement: Quarterly
  • Format: Box of 2 units

Equilibria Toric lenses are designed, manufactured and marketed by the national laboratory Mark 'Ennovy, whose mission is to achieve with success, precision and speed, optimize the vision and quality of life of patients, with individualized adaptations of their Premium products.

Equilibria Toric is a quarterly contact lens designed to the exact measurement of the eye of each patient, with a material suitable for users with symptoms of dry eye, in the use of contact lenses, GMA-59.
The hydrogel in which they are manufactured always keeps the eye hydrated, this is due to its high hydro-equilibrium index. For this reason, professionals of the vision, we advise people who use for many hours electronic devices, such as computer, Tablet, mobile phone ...
During close-up use over long periods, the blink rate slows. The blinking mechanism is what renews the tear and causes both the lens and the eye to rehydrate, by decreasing this frequency considerably, the lens is dried and becomes annoying, making necessary the use of artificial tears.

From prodevisión, as eyecare professionals, we recommend using lenses Equilibria Toric for the following reasons:

- People with dry eye symptoms, made with a hydration medium hydration, 59% with low dehydration rate throughout the day.
- Users with high graduations, we consider that Tricular Equilibria corrects myopia and hyperopia of up to 30 diopters and astigmatism up to 8.00 diopters.
- Patients with special ocular parameters, having radius of curvature available from 7.70 mm to 9.80 mm

As we have indicated, these contact lenses are especially suitable for people with high astigmatism, since they are contact lenses with great stability, keeping the vision clear at all times. For this it is very important that the parameters are very adjusted to the dimensions of the eye of the patient, on that is based the stability of said contact lens.
The quarterly Equilibria lenses base their design on what the manufacturer calls Vision Relax, comfort throughout the day.


When ordering your quarterly lenses Equilibria Toric in Prodevisión, it is necessary that these lenses have been prescribed by a specialist optician or ophthalmologist vision, from there, you must place your order by copying the parameters of the last box of lenses you have acquired, Ie the first adaptation has to do the professional who will value vision, movement of the lenses in the eye and also teach you the correct handling and maintenance of the lenses.

It is important to mention the maintenance liquid, also called single solution. This must be of quality (first brand, all liquids are not the same) and if possible always use the same, a change of liquid can cause serious problems in the use of lenses. In Prodevisión we have the first and best brands of maintenance liquids on the market, which assure you that your eyes and your Equilibria Toric lenses will be taken care of with all the guarantees.

It is essential to follow all the indications of use of the manufacturer (MarkEnnovy) in terms of hours of use, care, handling and replacement.

As for the replacement it is very important to respect it, since, they are discarded within three months of opening the blister in which they come from the factory (they are not 90 put, but 90 days from its opening). These lenses accumulate deposits of tear, dust, environmental dirt, poor cleaning as the days pass. If the lenses are not disposed of, they can lead to eye irritation and an allergic reaction.

If you notice discomfort when wearing them, red eyes or do not see correctly, remove them immediately, discard them and consult your trusted optician or ophthalmologist. If not, you may have eye problems.

In Prodevisión we are vision professionals, so if you have any problems do not hesitate to contact us.

Payment systems

In PRODEVISION all payment systems are safe, because we work with the best financial institutions that guarantee all our transactions.

We have different method of payments, you can choose the most which interests you.

  • PayPal
  • Bank transfer 
  • Credit card
  • Bizum



At PRODEVISION we work with improvements transit agencies so that you receive your items as quickly as possible.

Shipping to Spain and Portugal (Except Islands)  will be totally free if your purchase amount exceeds the 49€.

All shipments to Spain and the rest of the Europe will be carried out through GLS, MRW and Correos. 

Can we help you?
+ 34 617 357 588 + 34 617 357 588